Pervasive Joy and Peace

Bill Bright

“Yes, your joy will overflow!” (John 15:11).

Do you believe there is a joy that transcends circumstances – even tragic ones? 

Dr. R. A. Torrey, who founded Biola University, endured a period of terrible grief when his 12-year-old daughter was killed in an accident. Even though Dr. and Mrs. Torrey knew their beloved Elisabeth had gone to be with the Lord, they were brokenhearted as they faced the lonely years ahead without her presence. 

In his grief Dr. Torrey cried out to the Lord for help. Then the power of the Holy Spirit broke through the misery in his heart. Dr. Torrey described the feeling as something like a fountain of eternal joy welling up within him. No matter how much he mourned his daughter, the joy of the Lord was the most compelling force within him – a fountain springing up, even amidst tragedy, to eternal life. 

In times of terrible anxiety, your character can come to manifest not only joy but a peace that transcends present difficulties. Because we are no longer at war with God, when we encounter terrible circumstances, we can meet them with a joy and peace that passes all understanding, just as Jesus promised. Your sins have been forgiven and, through the Spirit, you can abide in His presence. The world has nothing to offer in such times. 

The joy of the Lord is no small thing – it is unstoppable, and ultimately more powerful than even the hurts of life.

Your View of God Really Matters ...

In the midst of tragedy, don't ask God to take away your grief. Ask Him to fill you with His peace and joy as He promised.

Because God is faithful,
I will trust Him to always keep His promises.

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