
Are All Your Friends Just Like You?

What American Christians miss by not building friendships with people who are different from them.

How to Grow Friendships That Last a Lifetime

Life is full of unexpected challenges. You were not meant to face them alone. Learn how to build healthy friendships that can offer support when you need it the most.

How Will You Feel Loved If You’re Not on Social Media?

I remember a time when I clicked refresh on my notifications for about the tenth time in a minute. My husband, watching quietly, asked, “Did you post that photo of us because you’re proud of me, or do you just care about the likes?”

Six People You Want in Your Friend Group

Our culture is obsessed with #squadgoals. We want a glamorous squad that can conquer the world. What are your actual “squad goals”? Who are the six people you truly need in your squad?

9 Ways to Be a Good Neighbor

If you want to help people get to know Jesus, try starting right where you live. Here are real-life ideas for sharing your faith in your neighborhood.

You Can’t Do It Alone: Change Is Easier When You Have Help

Change isn’t easy. It’s even harder when you are trying to do it on your own. Inviting others into your life can provide the support and encouragement you need to change your life for the better.

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