Your Community

3 Reasons Why We Need Others

What if the refining process we encounter in the city actually leads to a wholeness in our faith that is rarely seen?

Can atheists have “church?”

Church isn’t just about socializing and feeling good about your community.

How to Choose a Church Home

Choosing a church can be overwhelming! We want to offer some perspective to guide you through the important process of finding a church to call home.

Finding the Courage to Change in Community

Who are you surrounding yourself with? Where are you looking for hope? Discover the courage to change.

How To Grow in Love for Your Neighbor

Do you want to see your relationship with your neighbor grow? Here are five tips to help your friendship blossom.

Want to Know How to Change Your Life? You Need Community

If you want to change your life, you can not do it on your own. Sharing your struggles with others may seem intimidating, but if you find the right people, it can transform you.

How to Love the Neighbor You've Never Met

Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors, but for many, that remains a struggle. Here are three small steps to help you start.

How to Experience the Power of Community

Find out how one young man’s life was changed for good when he learned to experience Christ in relationship with others.

The Wealth You Forgot You Had

You might not be swimming in cash, but has God blessed you an abundance of other gifts?

Why a Diverse Community Is Better for Your Growth

Having diversity in your community is better for everyone. It expands your understanding of the world and can transform the way you view your life experiences.

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