
FamilyLife quartier général de la Mission de l’été

Do you have a desire to use your passions, burdens, and marketplace skills to advance the Gospel? If so, consider joining us at FamilyLife for a short-term summer mission and use your talents and abilities to develop godly marriages and families who change the world one home at a time.

God has gifted you with a unique set of skills and career interests you can use in a variety of roles at FamilyLife - Marketing, Sales, Writing, Editing, Publishing, Event Planning and Production, Business, Finance, IT, Web Design and Development, Radio Broadcast, Graphic Design, Donor Development, Human Resources, etc.

Although the majority of your time will be devoted to your work in the office, you will sharpen your biblical theology through discipleship and mentoring opportunities as well as weekly evangelistic outreaches. We are devoted to your spiritual, personal and professional growth.

You will also have a chance to experience outdoor adventure in the Natural State.

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