
Moyen-Orient : BT (CT, MA, NH, PA)

 Breakthrough takes place in one of the most interesting and complex cities in the world. It is the cultural and business hub of a large Muslim nation. If we can reach the students here today we believe we will reach the nation and the rest of the Middle East tomorrow!

In this great, unreached country we will creatively talk with students on several campuses about knowing Christ. You will grow in your ability to begin conversations and communicate your faith as you make friends from around the world. All while enjoying a close-knit community growing together in Christ’s love!

We split our time between working with university students and refugees, so you get a chance to minister to both those who have "everything" and those that have "nothing" and realize that it's not always clear which group is which. 

Breakthrough is not the easiest place to do ministry. But Jesus doesn't call us to do what is easy and safe. That's because he isn't easy or safe. But he's Good!

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