
Ponts International : Mission de Summer Asie du sud-est

Are you an International student, planning to return home for the summer and desiring to be involved in ministry while you are there? Do you desire to share your faith with your friends, but don’t know where to start? If so, then the East Asia Bridges Summer Mission is the place for you! This Summer Mission provides a great opportunity for you to: grow deeper in your relationship with God, develop as a leader for Christ, experience authentic community, share your faith and learn how to launch spiritual movements. The East Asia Summer Mission is a great place to have fun and build meaningful relationships, all while learning about and experiencing ministry in your home country! 

We will coach you on the support raising process to raise the necessary funds for your Mission Trip. You are not expected to pay this cost from your own personal funds; there are many believers who would want to donate for you to go on this Mission Trip to share Christ with the nations!

Cost of the project is $1199 + airfare ($100 discount if register by April 15)

If you have questions email: 

For more information you can visit our website:

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