
Stage d’été HQ--Orlando

* We will be quarter school friendly. Please do not let the start date keep you from applying.


The HQ Summer Internship--Orlando allows you to maximize your summer by combining a professional summer internship with the best of Cru's stateside summer mission. Hosted in Orlando, FL, “The City Beautiful” at the international headquarters of Cru May 28th to July 29th participants will go deep in discipleship, stretch their faith in evangelism, and enjoy rich community while developing professional skills in a workplace environment.

In addition to a traditional stateside experience, one special feature of this summer mission is that it accelerates Cru's Great Commission vision. The work you complete will impact students from around the United States heading into the 2019-2020 school year. Summer interns will be placed on teams to utilize skills in Communications, Graphic Design, Film/Video, Finance/Accounting, Conferences/Events, Web Development, Digital Marketing, Programming, or other ministry areas.

With literally hundreds of possible roles, there are options for using your skill in a professional setting surrounded by experienced quality staff who will provide mentoring and oversight specifically to help you hone your skill while offering you the opportunity to have a significant eternal impact in this world.

If your skill is not listed above, contact one of the team leaders above on the right and let us know what your major and skill set is. We will be glad to help you find where your skill can be utilized, whether at our headquarters or on another summer mission.

Oh and we just happen to do all of this in the ethnically diverse “City Beautiful,” near beautiful beaches, roaring rockets, and the home of a very famous mouse, whom we plan to visit.

This is a non-paying internship. However, many students are able to gain internship credit through their university. Student interns seeking credit are responsible for confirming with their specific university program that the internship will qualify and that requirements are met.

We are excited for what God will do through the Orlando Ops Summer Mission in 2019!

To get a better grasp on what this Summer Mission is actually like, here is a mid-summer newsletter of a similar Summer Mission (the Colorado Ops Summer Mission) from the summer of 2017:

Here is a video from another similar internship, the SoCal Ops Summer Mission 2016:

Specific job descriptions will be updated by April 2019. The summer information packet will be sent out to participants in February.

Lastly if you attend a school that has finals after the start of the mission, like many colleges in California, please do not let that keep you from applying. We have had past participants come after the start date and still have a great impact and experience a phenomenal summer.

*In some fields we have limits on the number of students we can take so apply early.

**At this time the support goal listed is still an estimate and not a final number.

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