
Moyen Orient 2 (uniquement pour les étudiants GCU)

Applications are only open to students from Grand Canyon University, thanks!

You'll experience the place where many portions of biblical history occurred and dive deeper into Gods big plan with all of us who live in-country. As you meet students from various cultures that study here and learn about their multifaceted lives, faiths, and challenges, you'll see how God will use you in their lives.

 The mission:  1)  Intentional friend-making and friendship building with college students (who super enjoy meeting American college students)  2)  Offering to explain the Gospel to those who are interested during the course of the summer  3)  Transferring those friendships to local church members for followup at the end. 

The support goal will be determined by November 1st. It may be a little lower or higher than our average mission cost of $3900.

Toust droit reservé