
Moyen Orient (WV, NC, SC)


Imagine walking along a scenic walkway that traces the Mediterranean, and hearing the call to prayer. You see people around you begin to repeat prayers that they say 3-5 times a day.

Imagine walking onto a college campus and seeing a middle-eastern traditionally dressed girl with a more liberally dressed friend making plans together for the upcoming weekend.

Imagine becoming friends with those girls and sharing the gospel with them. They are very open to talking with you and other teammates about spiritual things and they tell you it is their first time to hear the message. It is also their first time to see a Bible up close.

Imagine befriending a middle-eastern guy who wants to argue about politics when you first meet, but then explains to you how desperatly he desires to see true change in his country. You know the only way he'll see lasting change is through Jesus Christ.

Imagine meeting and serving refugees through a Christian humanitrian aid organization.

Imagine meeting others who could be persecuted for their faith if they return to their country.

Imagine becoming close to your team as you live in community in a foreign country and grow to love the people.

Imagine God changing your life and breaking your heart for the lost in ways you never thought possible.

These are some of the things you may experience and more, for God's glory and renown, if you join us this summer.

Dates, details and cost are tentative and subject to change.

Upon acceptance, please be prepared to pay a $250 deposit within 48 hours to reserve your spot on the team.

 For more information, email us 

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