
Japon : Tokyo - quartier étudiants

As westernized as the nation of Japan is, less than 1 percent of its population (127 million) even claims to be Christian. Ministry on a Japanese campus requires much prayer, persistence, and patience in building relationships with students who need to see how the Christian life is lived out on a daily basis.

Typically, Japanese college students are very intelligent, value fashion and technology, and are greatly influenced through relationships. Many are interested in the western world, and particularly in making American friends, but these Japanese students have a legacy of generations and generations of spiritual darkness. On a summer project to Tokyo, we have the opportunity to stand in the gap on their behalf and bring them hope that only comes in Jesus.

Spending the summer in Japan is part of the farming process—we sow many seeds, nurture these seeds, and reap the fruit. Whether the reaping happens during our trip, or months, even years later, it is in God’s hands and we enter the process wherever He allows us. Join us this summer as we partner with Student Impact, the Japanese Cru movement, to reach some of the most influential universities in Tokyo.

Campuses from Southern California partner with Japan, but the project is open to and welcoming students from anywhere! The final deadline for applications is March 1st, 2019.

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Japon : Tokyo

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