
L’Asie du Sud : Fleuve sacré

This exotic and culturally rich part of the world is gaining influence on the world stage. But, it is also in desperate need of the gospel. Many here face abject poverty, the horrors of sexual slavery and religious persecution...yet, the gospel continues to go forth and draw increasing numbers to Jesus!

This summer, we will spend the majority of our time forming relationships with college students and launching spiritual movements on several key college campuses. Additionally, we will take some time and engage with those who have physical needs, caught in the grip of poverty and injustice. And in everything we do, our purpose will be to boldly proclaim the love of Christ through our words and actions.

We will also enjoy living in community with one another, growing deeper in our walks with the Lord and challenging each other to take steps of faith. Together, we will explore, hangout, study God’s Word, reflect on what we are learning and build lasting friendships...all while helping to fulfill the Great Commission on the other side of the world. Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!


This trip is open to both quarter and semester school students!

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