
Allemagne : Munich

Come spend your summer in Munich, located in Bavaria in southern Germany. Bavaria is the largest state in Germany and is home to 400,000 university students on 36 campuses. Wealthy, with deep traditions, and a successful soccer team, Bavarians seem to have it all together, yet they have a desperate need for Jesus. You do not have to speak German - but if you do that is a huge plus!

Our goal is to come alongside the team in Munich and to launch spiritual movements as we reach out to the university students there. You will have opportunities to share Christ with students not only from Germany but from all around the world. Your evangelism and relationship skills will improve in ways that you can take back to your campus and use the rest of your life.

We will spend our days digging into the Word, sharing our faith on university campuses, and going out into Bavaria to experience much of the rich history and culture this area has to offer. See you in Munich this summer!



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