
Asie de l’est (KY, TN, WV)


East Asia is one of the fastest growing regions of the world no matter which socio-economic measure you use.  The population is growing, industry is booming, economies are strengthening;  all happening at the center of one of the oldest and longest standing civilizations in the history of the world.  Traditional values and economic progress collide in the rapidly thickening city streets.  College campuses add to that, with the education of every student in the world's widest known language, English, giving the national students a unique opportunity for even greater success and advancement in the global economy.

And yet this culture is hurting from the inside out.  There are fewer Christians per capita than in almost any other area of the world.  As an American college student, you have a unique opportunity to engage the hearts of students who study on these college campuses.  You will likely have people walk directly up to you and simply ask to be your friend.  You couldn't ask for a better conversation starter!

During the summer project in East Asia you will have the opportunity to be a student and learner of the national language and culture and at the same time you will be presented wtih many opportunities to engage the national student population with the Gospel.  

Throughout the summer, the Lord will draw you and your teammates into friendships that cross cultural boundaries and allow for Jesus' story of redemption in your life to intersect with these students during the most important time of their life.  Be a part of this amazing movement of God's Spirit, engaging the hearts of students in this exciting country, by going to East Asia this summer!

Dates, details and cost are tentative and subject to change.

Please Note: All participants are REQUIRED to attend a briefing with your team.

Location: TBD

Upon acceptance, please be prepared to pay a $250 deposit within 48 hours to reserve your spot on the team.

For more information, email us 

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