
MK2MK Mission de Bosnie-Herzégovine Summer

MK2MK is excited to be heading to Sarajvo this summer where we will be helping the local Cru ministry with an English camp for high school students.  High school students in Sarajevo are very relational so this is an amazing opportunity to build meaningful friendships with high school students who participate in the camp and continue those connections once the camp is over. The Cru staff in Sarajevo will also be setting up a variety of other ministry opportunities for us to share Christ in word and deed. Bosnia and Herzegovina has suffered through a war, ethnic cleansing and deep divisions. We will have the privilege of bringing the hope of Christ to young people in this beautiful country. 

Come and see how God can use you in a new environment and build community with MKs/TCKs from around the world!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The project cost of $2500 does NOT include airfare as students will be traveling from various international cities to our destination; we will be arranging travel. This cost is subject to change as we finalize our budget which typically happens by December 1. APPLICATION DEADLINE IS MARCH 15, earlier if we are full. 

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