
Moyen Orient 3 (uniquement pour les étudiants GCU)

Applications are only open to students from Grand Canyon University, thanks!

 The mission:  1)  Intentional friend-making and friendship building with college students (who super enjoy meeting American college students)  2)  Offering to explain the Gospel to those who are interested during the course of the summer  3)  Introducing those new friends to local church members for followup at the end.

Our team will travel to a very influential city in the Arab world where over 150,000 college students study.  Over 90% of these students will have never met a true Christian and may never have a chance to.  We will build friendships with them, help each other with learning our languages, explain the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who are interested, and disciple those who place their faith in Christ.

This is the most open country in the Muslim world where the early church once thrived. It is a highly relational culture where their friendly students love to get to know Americans.    We're not sure how many years the door will be open enough to go, so now is the time. We are seeing more students come to faith in the last 2 years here than in the previous 5 combined, so God is starting to move.  Friendship and initiative evangelism and discipleship are so needed here from American students who will travel here.

 The support goal will be determined by November 1st. It may be a little lower or higher than our average mission cost of $3900.

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