
Allemagne : Berlin « Maymester »

When most German students are asked, “What do you think happens when you die?” they answer “nothing. it’s just over.” And when we asked, “Do you know anyone that believes that Jesus rose from the dead?”…. they said, “I don’t know anyone who believes that!”


27 years ago communism and the Berlin Wall fell in Germany.  Today the population of Berlin is made up of people from over 190 nations!  1 out of every 7 Berliners is a foreigner.  Over 200,000 Turks call Berlin home.  It is the most influential city in all of Western Europe.  And who is bringing the good news to these people?  There are less than 3% of evangelicals in the city


Our goal is to come alongside the team in Berlin and to launch spiritual movements as we reach out to the university students there. You will have opportunities to share Christ with students not only from Germany but from all around the world. Your evangelism and relationship skills will improve in ways that you can take back to your campus and use the rest of your life.


We will spend our days digging into the Word, sharing our faith on university campuses, and going out to experience much of the rich history and culture Germany has to offer. See you in Berlin this summer!


Our shorter project is designed for students who need to be in the US for most of the summer ---- but have a heart to reach lost students in a forgotten place.


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