
Côte d’Ivoire (étudiants GCU uniquement)

Applications are only open to students from Grand Canyon University, thanks!

Côte d'Ivoire is in Africa, which is hot, has unique food and not for those not ready to suffer and step out of comfort.  It is a country that is open to the gospel, college students have experienced war and are longing for stability that can be found in Christ alone.  It is part of the 10/40 window yet still open to the gospel. 


As for why go to Côte d'Ivoire, as Dave Dishman, one of Cru's Global Mission National Directors, put it "Côte d'Ivoire is the most open place to the gospel I have ever seen and I have been to a lot of countries."  This is the reality, the harvest is so incredibly ready and yet we just don't have enough laborers.  We don't know how long this openness will last so I say Come! for such a time as this."


Although you'll live in a French-speaking country, the main university the Summer Mission works on has 60,000 students and a large English department so you'll focus on English speakers.   You may also be taking a one-week trip up north to a more Muslim concentrated campus.   

Côte d’Ivoire provides a unique opportunity to reach Muslim students freely and openly without fear of the repercussions from the government. We will be impacting Africans who can take the gospel north to places we could never go openly like Mali, Niger, Chad, Algeria, etc.  We may also do some humanitarian efforts such as partnering with a local orphanage. Come with us and help change the face of Africa.

The support goal will be determined by November 1st. It may be a little lower or higher than our average mission cost of $3900.

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