
Brésil : Florianopolis

We are currently accepting students for Florianopolis Summer mission 2018. Please apply, Thanks!

Come experience the fun and laid back culture of Latin America!

Expect to have significant times of prayer, Bible study, ministry training, and fun learning a new culture with American students and staff on our project. Most of our time will be spent meeting Brazilian students on campus and having conversations about spirituality and about Jesus Christ.

Location. Florianopolis, Brazil is a beautiful city located on an island off the southern coast of Brazil. The city has more than 1 million residents and the main university we are working at has a student population of approximately 33,000 students. Brazilians come from all over the country to Florianopolis for vacation, to experience the beautiful mountains and beaches. Florianopolis is one of the safest cities with an advanced infrastructure in Latin America.

Spiritual Climate. Like most of Latin America, one finds a Roman Catholic heritage in much of Brazil. That said, the youngest generations in Brazil are distancing themselves from their religious roots, exploring relativism, secularism, and even new age spirituality. Brazilians typically believe themselves to be a very spiritual people; many cult religions are finding Brazilians to be very receptive. Brazilians seem to be hungry for authentic spirituality. The large majority of Brazilians do believe in God and esteem Jesus highly as a religious figure, though the younger generations typically avoid being a part of “organized religion”. It is typically not socially incorrect to speak about religion as Brazilians love to talk about just about anything. Brazilians have so many of the puzzle pieces to having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, but they need Christians to communicate and demonstrate the Gospel to them. 

Ministry Stage. Thus far Cru has sent four summer missions teams to Florianopolis.This partnership is still developing, and we are in great need to see American students go. Our hope and prayer is that one day we can see a self-sufficient movement of Brazilian students reaching Brazilian students in Florianopolis. 

Naira is a rare Brazilian student at UFSC who is a Christian. She met the Summer Mission 2015 team and is in the process of developing the movement at her campus. She had the opportunity to attend a conference for Latino students where she received excellent training to begin a movement. Here is what she had to say afterwards:

I have no words to thanks all that you guys have been doing for me. Thanks for all love for me and for my country. I am telling for EVERYONE how great you all are and how you are helping me. I really believe that God has a purpose with Florianopolis and UFSC and I am so thankful for you to believe and to love my city. This days that I have been living now is amazing, God has surprising me everyday. I really want to put all that I have been learning in practice when I come back to Florianopolis and save so many lifes for Christ. I LOVE YOU GUYS. FOREVER! And I will never never never forgot it.

Naiara - Florianópols / SC - Brazil

*Dates and cost are approximate. 

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