

Join us in our second summer in Trujillo, Peru.  We've been blown away by how we've been seeing God at work over the last year in this city!

Trujillo is a dry coastal city located on the Pacific Coast in northwestern Peru in the foothills of the Andes Mountains.  Known as La Ciudad de la Eterna Primavera (City of Everlasting Spring) because of its sunny and pleasant weather year-round, Trujillo is warm during the day and mild during the night due to the sea breeze.

The city itself is a strange mixture of elegant, colonial Spanish culture and abandoned adobe shops yet with the growing hustle and bustle of a globally connected large urban center. It has been at the heart of Peru’s economic boom for the past several years, and yet it is a place still surrounded by heart-wrenching poverty. Add to the mix 12 universities and many technical schools that attract large numbers of students from all the northern provinces and you have a strategic location for gospel ministry and what could become a church planting hub for all of north and central Peru.

While missions work has a long history in Peru, there is no student ministry in Trujillo to introduce students to Jesus. Come join the new waves of people helping bring fresh expressions to reaching young people in northern Peru.

Special Notes:

  • Price is an estimate.  Your support goal will be finalized in Feb.

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