
Brésil (VisionTrust)

Do you have a heart for orphaned, vulnerable, and impoverished children and youth?

153 million orphans. More slaves today than at the height of the African Slave trade.  Over 20,000 children dying every single day from a lack of basic resources. This trip is your chance to engage some of these children face to face and learn about the best practices to help (and not hurt) the millions of suffering children around the world.  We will come alongside some amazing local Brazilian Christian leaders to help them in their ministries to the hurting children around them.  We will serve the children in numerous ways, including hosting an overnight camp for teens/youth (many of whom are children of drug dealers or prostitutes).  Serving will include feeding, playing games (futbol anyone?!), teaching and sharing our lives and testimonies with them as we encourage them to trust and follow the Lord who loves them so dearly. 

****Price does not include airfare (which is projected to be $1800), required visa ($60), immunizations or food in airports.****

$3200 is the recommended fundraising goal. 

All mission trip donations are tax-deductible and therefore non-refundable as specified by the IRS.


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