
Ultimate Training Camp Colorado

Attend one of the AIA Ultimate Training Camps for a one-week adventure that will challenge you mentally, physically, and spiritually.

At AIA’s camp for collegiate athletes, you will hear directly from GOD’s Word. Glean Biblical perspective on such topics as motivation, attitude, persevering through tough times, and winning and losing. Develop leadership qualities that will be of value in your life and competitive play.

Following each day’s lecture, you’ll be placed in a controlled competitive environment to apply the newly learned Biblical principles. You’ll also enjoy interaction with collegiate men and women student athletes from around the country through small group interaction, recreational activities and social events.

State-of-the-art facilities available for your conditioning include a weight room, indoor and outdoor volleyball and basketball courts, an Olympic swimming pool and a high elevation training track for cyclists and runners.

If you are interested in applying for this camp visit

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