
Moyen Orient (NC, SC, VA, MD, DE)

"See, I am doing a new thing! now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland" Isaiah 43:19. What powerful words of hope in an always changing, never constant world. Right now in the Middle East, God is on the move. In powerful ways he is setting the captive free, shining a light in the darkness, drawing men and women to himself like never before. In a very unique and powerful way-what is happening in this region right now is this verse in action. God is making a way in the desert. Come and join us on a pioneering mission as we trust the Lord to do something new and to bring living water to people who may not realize they are perishing.

Dates, details and cost are tentative and subject to change.

Please Note: All participants are REQUIRED to attend a briefing April 13-15, 2018.

Location: Ridgecrest Conference Center, Ridgecrest, NC.

Upon acceptance, please be prepared to pay a $250 deposit within 48 hours to reserve your spot on the team.

 For more information, email us 



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