
Mission d’été de Boston

Welcome to Boston Summer Mission! This summer mission is centered around having an internship for the summer while still seeking to be on mission and live in community.

You will live, eat, play, and work in the beautiful city of Boston, with it's rich history and desperate need for the gospel as one of the intellectual hubs of the world. 


-To spend a summer in a meaningful community that is seeking to prepare students on how to live a Christ-centered life outside of the college campus.

-Discovering ways to integrate social justice in our weekly rhythms, or what it looks like to dedicate all our working hours to justice. 

-Learning how to take Christ into the marketplace, and interacting with Cru alumni still living in the city and seasoned professionals to learn how work and faith can better integrate. 

-Giving a vision for the city of Boston and how the many pieces of the body of Christ fit together to bring about revival.

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