
Projet de Boston

Do you know how to read your Bible? Seriously. When you open up God’s Word, does it transform how you live or just give you more knowledge? Do you have a desire to learn how to read the Bible in a way that will transform how you live? Do you want to know if God really cares about your sport and how you play it? Do you want a deeper picture of how God views diversity? Do you want practical tools that will make you a change agent on your campus? Do you desire to learn all of this in community with other athletes? We do, too.

For three weeks, you will be living with 20-25 other college athletes in Boston. You will have time to train for your sport every day. The first week you’ll learn how to apply what you believe about God to your sport, and compete in the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. You will be exposed to opportunities that will grow your faith and give you confidence when you head back to your campus. You’ll help pioneer athletic ministries at universities within the city of Boston.

To apply go here:

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