
Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d’Ivoire is the fulcrum which moves Francophone Africa.  We will be traveling to a place where the people are open to the gospel and excited to talk with you about spiritual things.  Abidjan (the city where we live for most of project) is the third largest French speaking city in the world!!  Côte d’Ivoire provides a unique opportunity to reach Muslim students freely and openly without fear of the repercussions from the government. We will be impacting Africans who can take the gospel north to places we could never go openly like Mali, Niger, Chad, Algeria, etc.  We also take opportunities to invite national students to join us in humanitarian efforts such as partnering with an local orphanage. Last year we even got to help repair their roof!   This is a once in a lifetime chance to experience personal growth through our family style project, as well as facing challenges and stepping out in faith.  Come with us and help change the face of Africa for Christ!!


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