
Asie de l’est (VA, DE, MD, MS)

Many people in East Asia have been transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, yet millions upon millions of East Asians simply equate Jesus Christ to a mere legend. There are many students aching for something more than the emptiness that has resulted from a family culture that bases value on performance, success, and self-reliance. Help spur the growth of existing movements and pioneer new campus ministries in this fast-paced mega-city and its surrounding region. Have a hand in building up East Asian believers to be sent throughout Asia and the Middle East.

Here's what two students had to say about their experiences on the 2013 Mission:

"I learned the value of God's Word. We had quiet time each morning and this sustained, encouraged, and enlightened me... Through my quiet time I actually learned and heard from God's Word, which seldom happened before the trip. Now I desire to read the Bible for I see its power, wisdom, and incredible value; my quiet times overall have improved and are essential to my day now."

"This summer was a whirlwind of God. I do not think that there was a time or place that we, as a team, felt that God was not there. He was there in every aspect of our lives. He was our provider, caretaker, supporter, mentor, teacher, father, and our Lord. This summer has taught me what it really means to rely on the Lord and His Holy Spirit."


-The trip will end with a two day debriefing in Washington, D.C.-

-Dates and cost are subject to change-

-A briefing conference in Pennsylvania on April 13-15th (that is included in the cost of the mission) is required for all participants-

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