
Asie du sud-est : Horizons

In Acts 1:8, Jesus told His followers that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the remotest ends of the earth. Since then, Christian history has been full of faithful men and women who have gone to new places to bring the Gospel to people who have never heard so that those people’s lives might be transformed.

Right now, God is at work in East Asia. Millions of people are coming to know the Lord, the Gospel is changing lives, and God is moving. But, there is still so much work to be done! On Horizons Summer Mission, we will touch down in one of the most important and influential cities in the world. We will spend a summer meeting students, sharing the Gospel and starting spiritual movements on campuses in a city with almost a million college students. We will dive into the rich and storied culture of East Asia and open doors for the Gospel to change lives.

We will focus on reaching East Asian students as we work alongside a team of missionaries living in country to encourage local believers and launch new campus movements in the city. You will learn how to build relationships with East Asian students, use your testimony to share the gospel and follow-up with new believers. And, you will be able to take this training and experience directly back to your campus in the US.

God will change your life as He uses you to change East Asian students’ eternities. This is going to be an incredible summer!


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