
Mission de l’été de Jersey Shore

Join us for 10 weeks of investing in how God is working!  You will get to see Him work in your life and well as in the lives of your co-workers and people on the Jersey Shore as you get to share with them about Jesus.  It will be a summer filled with ministry and personal development, sharing your faith with others, growing deeper in Christian community, and lots of fun!

Seaside Heights was the home of MTV's reality series “the Jersey Shore” and will be our home base for the ten weeks.  Seaside Heights is the first major beach town south of New York City and a popular vacation and party destination. Every weekend this island town booms with thousands of college and high school students from the New York and Philly area who flood the street, boardwalk, and beach. Ministry opportunities abound on this Island that also supports hundreds of young internationals who come to work every summer. Jersey Shore is a fun, full and spiritually challenging place to grow and be used by God.

We will also take a trip to New York City, with its endless opportunities for entertainment and ministry, so we can reach out to some of the 1 million students there.

Experience this memorable missions trip designed to develop you to lead and serve on your campus when you return.  We want you to grow closer to God, have authentic community, and be better able to make disciples for a lifetime. 

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