
Carrefour opérations Mission d’été à Chicago

Want to make our Creator known through your Creativity and skills?

You see CS4 in your sleep, whiz through writing, or write code in other languages. Maybe you love to create: Web design, videos, graphics, photos, articles, press releases.

The Crossroads Internship is a 10-week experience in the heart of inspiring, downtown Chicago!  Students are challenged vocationally and matured spiritually in this unique "crossroads" of professional internship and Summer Mission experience.  Crossroads partners with the Chicago Summer Mission. Together your time this summer will allow you to build deep relationships and serve the ministries of Cru all over the United States.

You will be the catalyst for various major global marketing strategies, design, writing, and other projects.  You will intersect with staff with expertise in creative fields, learn from them, help them with various local projects, and gain professional experience. You will learn to rely on the Lord, cherish His Word, learn how to share your faith, and build a community that reflects the kingdom of God all while living and working in one of the most inspiring cities in the world.

We’re looking for students with skills in:

  • Graphic design
  • Journalism
  • Creative writing
  • Photography
  • Web design and development
  • Public relations
  • Marketing
  • Video production and editing
  • Programing and software development

We can give you Internship credit (if your university allows it) for your work, but it is a non-paying Internship.

The cost covers your housing, materials, and events. It does not cover your groceries, meals, and travel. We encourage you to raise support to cover these costs and we will help you learn how!

You will need to submit a portfolio of your work along with the application. Contact to find out how.

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