

Slovenia is a country of great contrast.  On the surface, it is one of the most beautiful places in the world.  The Alps are all around the city of Ljubljana and the Adriatic Sea is only an hour away.  However, in the hearts and souls of men and women it is very different.  Slovenia is a spiritual desert.  Most Slovenes no longer believe in God, and the story of redemption through Jesus Christ has been lost.

Over the course of Slovenia Summer Missions, you will receive great training and experience in evangelism, apologetics and Bible study methods. You will grow deep in your relationship with God, build close friendships, and make an eternal impact in the lives of people who have never heard the gospel.

But don't just take our word for it - hear what Jordan Sapp, a senior at Ohio University, had to say about his experience on Slovenia Summer Mission - 

The six weeks I spent in Slovenia on Summer Mission absolutely changed my life personally and the lives of some Slovene students.  While on the trip, I was able to experience a real Christ-centered community in which I was challenged and encouraged in my faith. I learned what a quiet time with the Lord looked like and how I could further my relationship with Him. I began to understand the impact the gospel has on lives. Not only was I able to fully experience the gospel within the community I was with, I also got to witness the power it has in changing lives, specifically those of the Slovene students. They began to understand what it meant to have a personal relationship with the God of the universe and many students decided to give their lives to him.  This experience has deeply impacted my life and my heart for taking the gospel to the nations, especially my second home - Ljubljana, Slovenia. 

Come with us this summer as we make the name of Jesus famous in Slovenia!

For questions, contact the team leaders by clicking on our names above.


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