
Soins de santé étudiant Mission / toute personne soins préceptorat

We are Still Accepting Applications from both Men and Women. 

The Whole Person Care Preceptorship is open to healthcare students who are currently enrolled in or officially accepted into a professional training program like medical school, nursing school, pharmacy school, dental school, PT, OT, PA, and other select allied health professional programs.  

And now we offer an optional INTERNATIONAL opportunity to do this Preceptorship and then serve in healthcare centers in Africa.  Visit our website for more info on this optional and combined program with SIM. 

Are you currently a pre-med, pre-nursing, or other pre-professional student? You are eligible to apply to our Pre-Med / Pre-Pro Healthcare Student Mission.

Think big.  Think long term. Think professionally.  Think lifetime.

Think big.   Many Christian healthcare students long to integrate their faith into their professional practice. National studies indicate that 60%-70% of patients want their healthcare provider to address their spiritual needs. Yet most professionals and students do not know how to do this.  This summer could change that for you.

If you are planning a career in heathcare, this mission will prepare you with professional training and clinical experience.  You will be equipped for a lifetime of ministry through your patient care. 

Think long term.  Spend five weeks this summer that will have lifelong payback.  You'll begin by participating in a professional METS Whole Person Care Conference. Experienced Christian helathcare professionals will train you to care for the whole person - body, mind, and soul - in an ethical, caring, sensitive, and non-coercive manner.

Perhaps now is the time to begin thinking about how you can best serve God over the next 40 years.  Might this summer be the summer to professionally prepare for a lifelong impact for Christ?  

Hands-On Training

In numerous healthcare settings, you'll apply what you've learned by offering the life-changing hope of Jesus Christ. Care for the underserved and marginalized from the inner-city. Participate in the care of patients with AIDS. Connect with patients in a major university medical center.  You will develop life-long friendships while making an eternal difference in someone else's life.

Think professionally.  Daily, you'll have direct patient care experiences in outpatient and hospital settings. Shadow Christian providers as they meet the physical and spiritual needs of patients.

In the evenings, you'll be involved in intensive Bible study and discipleship groups, led by Christian healthcare professionals. Spiritual leadership development will prepare you to return to your campus and impact your Christian friends and reach your classmates for Christ. Participate in discussions on bioethical issues facing healthcare professionals and students. Plus, have a personal spiritual mentor to walk with you through the summer.

Think lifetime.  You'll grow in your own personal walk with God. Live in community with other Christian health students. Be stretched and challenged. As you trust God in new ways, you'll gain professional, ministry, and leadership skills so that the rest of your life as a healthcare professional can be spent serving the Master physician.  Learn to better be the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus for your patients and others.

Think big. Think long term. Think professionally.  Think lifetime.

Recover and Refresh in the Fun & Sun of So Cal

Professional training is academically rigourous, physically draining, and often spritually depleting.  We'll provide a community where you can refresh your walk with God and recover from a busy school year.  

Located in Southern California, Redlands is a short drive to beaches, rock climbing, mountains, deserts, theme parks, hiking, surfing, professional athletics, world-class shopping, museums, and restaurants. There will be weekly group outings, free time, and church.

Check out this VIDEO that was shot by some of the Preceptorship alums -

This project requires a separate application, available here.  

*** Mission cost includes ALL meals, lodging, professional training conference, local transportation, vision trip to Arizona, and materials.

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