
France : Paris

Come join us in the city of lights! Paris is FULL of university students and we'll be spending six exciting weeks reaching out to them while learning the culture, meeting the people, and believing God to use us in the lives of French students who need to know Christ.

France is a spiritually dark place where a large percentage of the population has no meaningful connection to Christianity or authentic followers of Christ. Their post-Christian culture has come so far from it’s religious roots that many French today are completely “unreached.” 

This is a challenging location, and we’re looking for participants who are critical thinkers and not afraid of deep conversations. While the barriers to the gospel are many in France, Christ remains attractive to those who are ready to hear about Him and come to faith this summer!

Knowledge of French is helpful, but not at all necessary. We’re looking for those who want to help change the world and are open to experiencing some change in their own hearts as well! Why wouldn’t you go to France this summer?


Special Notes:

  • Price is an estimate.  Your support goal will be finalized in Feb.

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