
International de ponts : Mission d’été Chicago

What if you could experience the gospel with students from campuses like University of Chicago and come home with cross-cultural training to reach students on your campus? Join us for an amazing summer while climbing iconic skyscrapers like the Willis Tower, exploring famous sites on Michigan Avenue, and enjoying America's favorite past-time at a White Sox game.

Each day we will work together to learn how to reach students from around the world at campuses in the Chicago area. Each evening we will study the Bible together and learn how to experience the gospel in our own lives.

Both international students and American students are encouraged to apply to join this summer mission. We will coach you on the support raising process to raise the necessary funds for your trip. You are not expected to pay this cost from your own personal funds; there are many believers who would want to donate for you to go on this Mission Trip!

Cost is $1600 + travel to Chicago

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