
Institut estival de Chicago de la foi et travail

Are you a recent grad working in Chicago? Are you a college student from Chicago with an internship or job in the city this summer?  If you answered yes to either of these questions, then this summer program is designed just for you!

Whether you're still in school or have started working, this is an exciting 4-week opportunity to learn more about the integration of faith and work as you're beginning your professional career. We believe that the gospel transforms not only the individual, but whole communities, industries and nations in and through our everyday work.

We’ll meet Saturday mornings and Tuesday evenings between June 23-July 21 for instruction, small group interaction and practical application. Thursday evening opportunities exist for dinner and social activities. As well, mentoring relationships will be available in your field of work to walk alongside you in your spiritual and professional development.

Cost is $100 and there is a non-refundable $50 deposit due by June 1st to secure your spot. 

The expectation is that you will have your job/internship and housing arranged prior to the start of the program and that you will participate fully in the Summer Institute events. The weekly gatherings outside of your job (Tues & Thurs evenings and Saturday morning) are designed to help you: 

*  Grow in your relationship with Christ
*  Gain tools for effective marketplace evangelism that can then be immediately put into practice
*  Develop Kingdom vision for your career
*  Receive mentoring from a local professional in your field
*  Experience thriving Christian community 




What former participants are saying about this program...

"[The Summer Institute] gave me perspective on my place in God's plan as I enter into the workforce. At this juncture, I found it extremely helpful to have a place for discussion and learning about the context of work in life and how each of us can be Christ's representatives on a daily basis without needing to become pastors or missionaries. The biblical validation of my drive to work was encouraging and affirming, while the reminders of work's place in the context of other areas of life kept me from being consumed by work and helped me focus on God's plan and His will." - Alyssa

"I found myself being continually sharpened at the Saturday meetings, walking away with an action point and something to think about."  - Zack

"I thought that [The Summer Institute] was very relevant not only in the workplace, but also in a classroom setting, where I'm going to be spending a lot of my time in the next few years. It definitely has given me a broader perspective in terms of what it means to be the worker that God calls His people to be. I think Summer Institute has broadened my horizons and has better equipped me in ways that I can make an impact wherever I'm at."  - Marcelo


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