
L’Afrique du Nord (VA, MD, DE)

Imagine sitting at a cosmopolitan street-side cafe...

Other college students surround you in an exotic city in the Arab world.  As you sip your cup of coffee or tea you dialogue about life, culture, and faith because in this country these topics are a natural part of life. Statistically, you're likely the first person who loves Jesus they've ever met.

How did you meet them? They've taken part in enriching content through a small developing Arts and Culture program that needs your help. Now these North African students are excited to learn more about your experiences, your home culture and you!

It's a summer about the breadth and depth of the Gospel - in all its beauty and richness - because where the Gospel takes root greater meaning is given to culture, art, music, and life.

Our goal is proclaiming the good news of Jesus to a people who are in desperate need. A small arts and culture program is our vehicle for getting there. 

During this Summer Mission

You will form relationships with students who have been participating with the art and culture activities. As you meet their families over meals, explore their city with them, and enjoy their delicious food you will have many opportunities to share the good news of Jesus, get to know their culture, and build life-long friendships.

You do NOT have to have an artistic background for this project; we need all kinds of students to make the summer work. If you do have an artistic background or training – there may be opportunities for you to use your skills. It's much more important that you love Jesus and want to see His name made famous everywhere.

This summer mission is a time where art and culture creates the opportunity for ministry! 

Your life-changing adventure awaits! Join us this summer.

For more information, please contact:

Dates and cost are subject to change

A briefing conference in Pennsylvania on April 13-15th is required for all participants.

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