
Asie de l’est : Park Place

East Asia is a country with a history of over 5000 years and a culture as diverse as its land. It is located within the 10/40 window where the only remaining people of the world live who have yet to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. For many years, the people of this country have been held in bondage to false religions, tradition, and political systems.

On the East Asia Summer Project, we will most likely live on a college campus and take language classes daily. We’ll immerse ourselves in the culture as we try to minister to the people of this nation. You will have multiple opportunities to step out in faith and initiate conversations with students to explore where they’re at in their spiritual journey. Who knows? You may get the chance to interact with someone who’s never met an American or ever heard the name of Jesus.

Come join us in a place where the vision of the national ministry there is “To Become a World Missionary Sending Base.” In the past seven years, thousands have heard the Gospel of Christ. Be a part of what God is doing in this country and help leave the next spiritual legacy for generations to come!


Special Notes:

  • Attendance at a pre-briefing conference in Minneapolis, MN April 10-12, 2015 is required.
  • Project end date is approxiamate and will be updated in December.
  • The cost of this summer project will be updated in January.

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