
GAiN : Grèce Refugee Care

In recent years, news broadcasts have been filled with stories of violence in the Middle East — especially Syria — and of the resulting refugee crisis. Syrian men, women, and children flee from their homes, jobs, and friends, hoping to escape war and poverty. More than 1 million refugees traveled through Turkey, piled into small, overcrowded rubber boats, and faced the dangerous journey across the Aegean Sea to the shores of Greece. They hoped to pass through the islands and continue into Europe.

However, most European countries have closed their borders leaving the refugees trapped in camps — unable to travel to a new destination and powerless to return home.

You can help meet physical needs and show the kindness of Jesus to struggling refugees by traveling with GAiN® to a camp in Greece.

You will serve refugees by distributing aid such as blankets or food or doing chores in the camp. Your presence and help will show refugees that they are loved and cared for.

Participants on this trip must be 18 years or older to serve in the camp and participants must be able to work on their feet eight hours at a time.

All volunteers will gather in the U.S. on May 15 for team briefing and depart for Greece together. Participants may choose to return to the U.S. on June 1 (cost appx. $2,800), June 8 (cost appx. $3,400), or June 15 (cost appx. $4,200). Prices listed include international airfare and are estimates. Final trip costs will be determined by February 20.

Apply at All applications are due by February 15. $1,000 for airfare is due by March 1.

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