
Ocean City, New Jersey

Do you want to grow in your faith, learn how to share your faith with others and be developed as a leader? How does a summer living 2 blocks from the ocean sound? Get a job, make some money, live in community with over 80 college students and be challenged weekly by teaching in the word. This is Ocean City, New Jersey Summer Mission.

As the first ever Summer Mission, the Ocean City, NJ Summer Mission has a rich heritage dating back to 1967. We are a large Summer Mission with students from all over the United States and the world, and we have a strong international emphasis. Ocean City Summer Mission attracts a highly motivated student, and has become known as a developer of leaders. We are not a slow-paced Summer Mission, and you will be challenged in your use of time. We place a high priority on building men and women of the Word by providing excellent biblical teaching.

You will live in one of two large beach houses just a few blocks away from the boarwalk and ocean. Everything contributes to an environment conducive to quality relationships and lots of fun in a safe city that knows Cru well. Employers save jobs for our students each year, and anxiously await the arrival of Cru students. Come to Ocean City for a challenging and memorable summer!

Please note: The cost of the Summer Mission includes breakfast every day and three dinners/week.

This Summer Mission is open to both Semester School students and Quarter School students. Semester students are expected to arrive on Wednesday, May 29, 2019 and leave on Friday, August 9, 2019. Quarter students are expected to arrive soon after their last final is completed, no later than June 8th or June 15th (depending on your school schedule) and stay until Friday, August 9, 2019. 


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