
MK2MK Xtrack Kids

Each Summer CRU provides five weeks of cross-cultural training for their staff and staff children who are moving internationally. While adults are in sessions preparing to live, thrive and minister overseas the kids and teens are also being prepared. MK2MK brings three programs-- “Little MK” (ages 0-5),  elementary age children and teens. If you love kids and teens and the idea of being part of sending to the world then this is the ministry for you! You will help facilitate sessions for all ages of MKs, mentor, coach the teens in  holistic ministry that happens in the Ft. Collins community and be developed as a leader. All in a fun environment near the Rockies with plenty of opportunities to get to know CRU staff who are going to the world. Have a global impact this summer!

Housing is provided for the team, and you will receive a living stipend for the summer  of $1300. Preference will be given to college age MKs because of the nature of the ministry. You would need to be Questions? Please email

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