
San Diego aventure

Can’t go all summer? Check out this 10 day option in wonderful San Diego, California! We will stay at the Bahia Resort overlooking Mission Bay, and only 2 blocks from the ocean!

We will experience many avenues of ministry including: campus, beach, the homeless, and service project opportunities. The San Diego Adventure (SDA) promises to be a week and a half of great community, discipleship, evangelism/ministry training, and a lot of fun! You will have many opportunities to deepen your relationship with God through small group bible studies, daily devotional time, focused discipleship, all while living in authentic community with one another. We will also take in a number of the sites in beautiful San Diego as well. SDA will give you a taste of a full summer mission when a full summer mission is just not possible.

Check out the beautiful Bahia Resort at We will be staying in the "Bay or Garden View Studio" rooms, which you can look at in detail on the website.

The cost for SDA summer misson is $945, which includes housing, a few meals, as well as all transportation during the mission. Transportation to San Diego and the majority of your food expenses are not covered in the $945, but you can raise additional support to be able to fully reimburse these expenses.

Our mission size is about 25 students.

For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Kent and LeAnne Pierce at: or

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