
Miami - lycée

Do you have a passion for reaching teenagers for Christ? Do you want to participate in a mission trip that give you an international experience without leaving the country? Then join us in Miami!

Miami, the fifth-largest city in the United States, is a hub of people from Jamaica, Haiti and Cuba. It is our desire to begin a spiritual movement among high school students there … a movement that will last long after we leave. You will enjoy sharing your faith and building relationships with your new friends!

You will love the life-change that takes place in just 7 days. Our team will trust God, work hard, and play hard! Ask God if He wants you to be part of our mission to Miami!

 * Dates for College Students are Thursday, June 14 through Thursday, June 21. 

* Dates for High School Students are Thursday, June 14 through Thursday, June 21. 

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