
Russie : Moscou (OK, TX)

Note: In order to participate on this Summer Mission, you must have a valid US passport (that does not expire before March of next year) to hand in by March 1st of this year for visa processing.

Join us this summer for the opportunity to be a part of what God is doing in the most influential city in Russia, and one of the most influential cities in the world. In a city of 12 million, nearly 1 out of 10 people you will see this summer is a college student. Students from all over Russia come to Moscow to study, and you will have the chance to share Christ with these future leaders of their nation.

Mission dates subject to change. 

All of Russia's diverse ethnic and religious groups are represented in the city of Moscow, and we have the chance to reach students from people groups from every corner of the country. Come with us, and be a part of seeing a country transformed by Christ changing the lives of Russia's college students.


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