
Australie : Melbourne

Dr. Bill Bright, the founder of Cru, saw a vision of a wave of laborers coming out of Australia to reach the nations for Christ’s Kingdom. Melbourne itself is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world, and boasts world-renown universities with students from all over the Pacific Rim. Aussies are laid back and intellectual, but are largely apathetic and feel “no worries” in terms of spiritual matters. Many have never heard the Gospel, and only 1% are considered evangelical Christians. If you come reach the land down under, you can help build up a sending force to reach the rest of the world. Come sit in a cafe, enjoy meeting Aussie students, and be part of God's unique and unfolding plan to reach His world! 

Here's what students from the 2013 Summer Mission had to say:

"God has grown me so much and watching the team I know everyone could say that about their walk. Loving God wholeheartedly has brought so much love for others."

"I'm excited about how God is going to use me this year and after graduation. The team has been encouraging. I'm nervous about adjusting back home but my faith has never been stronger."

"I am excited for all that the Lord is doing in this country and I am excited to share what I've learned with my [Cru] movement at home."


-Dates, details and cost are tentative and subject to change.

Please Note: All participants are REQUIRED to attend a weekend briefing in Late March or Early April.  Details and location are being worked out. 
Upon acceptance, please be prepared to pay a $250 deposit within 48 hours to reserve your spot on the team.


For more information, email us 

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