
Centre-ville/Destino : Los Angeles

On this summer mission you can expect to get many opportunities to share Christ in a variety of communities all over the city of Los Angeles. You will also grow in your relationship with God through small group Bible studies, one on one discipleship, ministry training nights, and our Gospel nights where we will worship together and learn from a variety of speakers who will take us deeper into the Gospel.

We will be living in the city of Lynwood. This Latino neighborhood (88% Latino) will become your home! You will be close to parks, and will have access to an outdoor hangout area with a half basketball court. Plaza Mexico, a beautiful open air plaza to hang out and go to coffee is just a few minute drive away. We will spend time becoming a part of this community that some of our staff live nearby and we will live at All People's Church. We are open to a group of 30 students and that will allow us to focus on leadership development, building relationships with each other and with people in the community. At our weekly meetings where we will study the Gospel we will invite people from the neighborhood to join us. Living, eating and ministering in this community will be one of your many summer mission highlights.

The metropolitan area of the City of Angels boasts a population of more than 18 million people and it is home to many Nations. LA contains hundreds of ethnic groups. Opportunities for cross cultural ministry are endless. You might minister to children in a youth development center, lead a Bible club at a park, or work at a homeless mission. You will also have the opportunity to work with your hands doing manual labor, as well as evangelistic outreaches in various areas of the city. During the poverty simulation you will experience the challenges of living in poverty and understand how the gospel is truely good news for those living in the margins of society.

If you are a Spanish speaker, we will have many opportunities to use your skill. We will emphasize cross cultural ministry opportunities and training so that you are very well equipped for a lifetime of ministry. Finally, we are looking for ways to partner with other ministries in the arena of human trafficking so you will receive training and understand how we can fight against this injustice.

"Off duty" may find you at the brand new "LA LIVE" right in the middle of downtown LA, Dodger Stadium, Hollywood, The Getty Museum or relaxing at the beach. Summer Mission is a great place to experience growth in cross cultural ministry, evangelism and discipleship. We will help prepare you for a lifetime of ministry!

University internship Credit Option: Your University may grant internship credit for your inner city summer community experience. This is especially true of those majoring in Sociology, Psychology, Criminology, Criminal Justice Administration, Early Childhood Development, or Social Work. Students must petition their school prior to the project and satisfy any school applicable fees. Typically, schools require students to keep a daily journal of their experience and submit a paper highlighting specific aspects of their summer effort. The Cru staff will act as your on-sight internship advisor, and will verify your learning experience to the college.

Note: Such internship credit cannot be granted retroactively. It is the responsibility of the student to apply through their school for such credit prior to the project. The Cru staff will then work in conjunction with your school to assure that the expected requirements are met.

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